Model FAQ

FAQ  |  Swimsuit Calendar Models

Logging In

  • Why do I need to log-in?
    • When you log in to your profile page you will be able to see an up-to-date status of your application. You will also be notified if we need to get anything from you for your application and what the next steps are in the application process.
  • Can you just email me?
    • Due to the wide variety of email systems that applicants may be coming from we use your profiles to supply you with almost all communication from us. This ensures that you have received the information and always have somwhere to find it regardless of what computer you are on.
  • I forgot my username.
    • Your username is your email address, if you have more than one email address make sure you are using the one that you created your profile with.
  • I forgot my password.
    • Click on "Forgot your password?" to the right on the applicant log-in page. When you arrive at the password retrieval page be sure to use the email that you created a profile under. Your password will be emailed to you. If you continue to have trouble logging in, contact support.
  • My password isn't working.
    • Passwords are CaSe sEnSiTiVe, so make sure the CAPS lock key isn't enabled on your keyboard. If you are still having trouble logging in, please contact support with your Full Name, School, and what you're having trouble with.
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Application Deadlines

  • Application Deadlines
    • We have a rolling application process that continues through April, 2010. The earlier you apply however the better your chances are of being selected.
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  • What if I'm not 18 before June 1st, 2010?
    • You are still eligible and may apply, however you will need your parent's consent. They will be required to sign all documents that you have to sign to indicate their consent and must accompany you to the shoot to sign a model release.
  • I am graduating this year but I will be attending graduate school in the fall of 2010, am I eligible?
    • Yes, but it's very important to understand that you MUST be enrolled for the fall semester of the 2010 school year.
  • I will not be in school next year, am I eligible?
    • No, you must be attending a college or university in the fall of 2010.
  • I will be taking classes in the spring of 2010 but not in the fall, am I eligible?
    • No, you must be attending a college or university in the fall of 2010.
  • I attend a community college, can I still apply?
    • Yes. You would apply as a "wild card" and are entirely eligible.
  • I was in a previous Campus GIrls USA calendar, can I apply again?
    • Yes. You can be in the calendars as many times as you like as long as you fulfill the eligibility requirements.
  • If I apply and don't make it this year, can I apply next year?
    • Absolutely. We have had girls who didn't make it one year, make it the next.
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Selection Process

  • How do you make selections for the calendars?
    • We base our selections off of the photos you submit and what you tell us about your self in the comments section of your application.
  • What factors in to the selections?
    • There are many factors that go into the selection of the girls for the calendars. Not only are we looking for a certain look, but we want girls who are interested in the cause that we are raising money for, who are responsible, and are excited about being involved with Campus Girls USA.
  • How will I find out if I have been selected for the calendars?
    • You will be notified on your profile. It will be updated to reflect whether or not you have been selected.
  • I know someone that found out she was selected for the calendars but I haven't heard anything yet. Does this mean I didn't get it?
    • Not at all. Due to the large number of girls that we are dealing with we do not notify everyone at once. It is a rolling selection process that slowly contacts several girls at once. This is not based on school or location so just because a few girls at your school found out does not mean that you have not been selected.
  • When will I find out if I have been selected?
    • Notifications will be at different time as explained in the question immediately above. Your profile will indicate when the final date that you would be notified will be.
  • Will I be notified if I am not selected for the calendars?
    • Yes, your profile will update to reflect that you have not been selected. You will not receive an email, you must check your profile.
  • Does it matter how tall I am?
    • Not at all, height does not factor in to our selection.
  • I have a tattoo does that matter?
    • Tatoos are not an issue at all. In general all tatoos are retouched out.
  • I have new photos that I would like to submit for consideration, how do I do that?
    • You can click on the "Submit more photos" link on your profile in your photos section.
  • If I am selected to shoot for the calendar does that guarantee that I will be featured in the printed calendar?
    • Yes. Every girl that is scheduled and shot for the calendar will appear in it.
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  • There is an error on my profile.
    • Please use the contact form via your profile to contact us and we will update your profile accordingly.
  • I uploaded the wrong photos. How do I change them?
    • While you cannot delete photos that you uploaded, you can click on "Submit more photos" in your photos section and upload new or different photos. They are timestamped and we will know which are the most recent photos that you have submitted.
  • The photos I uploaded are too small and pixelated.
    • Check to make sure that you are not uploading thumbnails and submit more photos.
  • I have new photos that I would like to submit for consideration, how do I do that?
    • You can click on the "Submit more photos" link on your profile in your photos section.
  • I changed my phone number/email address. How do I update them?
    • You can update them by clicking the "Edit" link in your contact information section.
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Uploading Photos

  • What file format(s) do photos have to be?
    • Photos need to be either JPG, GIF, or BMP files. Almost all digital cameras save files as a JPG.
  • Are there any size restrictions?
    • Photos should be under 1MB in size.
  • How long will it take to upload my photos?
    • This entirely depends on your internet connection. Even if you have a fast internet connection, uploading always is slower than downloading... so be patient and keep the application window open as instructed until the files have finished.
  • My photos won't upload.
    • Make sure that your files adhere to the above criteria. Also, be sure that they each have an extension (i.e. myphoto.JPG) If you feel your files follow all of the guidelines and are still unable to upload them then please contact support and we will help you to resolve the problem.
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Wild Cards

  • What is a wild card?
    • A wild card is the term that we use for a girl who does not attend a college or university in one of the six conferences where we have calendars; the ACC, Big 10, Big 12, Big East, Pac 10 or SEC.
  • Can wild cards still apply?
    • Definitely. Each calendar will be featuring multiple girls who do not attend universities in that conference so regardless of where you attend school, you are still eligible to apply. We want every girl to have an opportunity to be a part of the calendars if they want to be.
  • What calendar would I be in if I was selected for the calendars as a wild card?
    • Wild card applicants are put into whichever calendar makes the most geographic sense. For instance, if you were attending Santa Monica Community College in Los Angeles, CA you would be put into the Pac 10 calendar as you are in the same city as USC and UCLA who are in the Pac 10. The calendar that you will be in will be indicated on your profile within a week of your application.
  • I am a wild card and I want to be featured in a different calendar than what is listed on my profile.
    • Use the contact form on your profile and let us know which conference calendar you wanted to be in and why and we will change it if it seems appropriate.
  • If I am selected to be in the calendar, where will I be shooting?
    • Your shooting location will be listed on your profile. We travel to over 35 cities across the country, you will need to get to the location that is nearest to you. More information is available in your model FAQ on your profile page.
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The Photo Shoots

  • Where will the calendar photo shoots be taking place?
    • Your shooting location will be listed on your profile. We travel to over 35 cities across the country, you will need to get to the location that is nearest to you. More information is available in your model FAQ on your profile page.
  • What will I be wearing for the photo shoots?
    • You will be wearing a variety of swimwear and other fashion looks. We suggest you browse through the photos for the 2010 calendar to get a good idea of the look of the calendars. As always, you never are asked to shoot in anything that you do not want to shoot in.
  • Can I bring something that I think would look good?
    • Absolutely. We encourage you to bring anything that you think you look good in.
  • Will I just be shooting one look?
    • No, each girl shoots multiple looks. One of them is usually a swimsuit look and the others fashion.
  • What if I have to travel to get to the photo shoot location?
    • Depending on the distance that you are travelling, some travel expenses are covered. More information is available in your model FAQ on your profile page.
  • Will you pay for a hotel if I have to stay overnight?
    • Yes, if you qualify for it. Qualification and travel reimbursement details can be found in your model FAQ on your profile.
  • Can I bring someone with me to the photo shoot?
    • You are more than welcome to come with someone and have them meet the crew and see the set up of the photoshoot. They are welcome to hang around for 15-20 minutes but then they will be asked to leave. They can wait nearby but the actual photo shoot is a closed shoot and not open to anyone. During the shoot you will be with the other girls, our two female makeup artists and the entire crew. This is to ensure the safety and comfort of all of the girls and also to promote all of the girls getting to know each other and enjoy the experience together.
  • How long does the photo shoot last?
    • The entire process including hair/makeup, fittings, shooting multiple looks, interviews, etc. will take approximately 12 hours. You will need to be available the entire time.
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  • What charity do you donate to?
    • We have donated to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation in the past which you can find online at They are a four-star rated charity by, an independent charity evaluation website. Each year we independently evaluate the best charity to make our donation to.
  • How do I know that you actually donate to this charity?
    • You can download the Breast Cancer Research Foundations 2008 major donor list HERE from their website. You will find us listed on page four of their pdf.
  • How much do you donate to the charity?
    • We donate 100% of the profits from calendar sales to charity, i.e., the money from calendar sales pays for all production costs and all profit on top of that is donated to the charity. Last year's sales and promotional efforts raised over $16,000 for the foundation and we hope to grow that number significantly this year.
  • When you say that "production costs" are paid for by calendar sales before you donate any profit, what exactly does that mean?
    • These production expenses include but are not limited to: printing, location rentals, lodging, model travel, production travel, shipping, sales taxes, model commissions, salaries, lighting equipment, vehicle repair/maintenance, hair/makeup artists, promotional items (ie bags, tank tops), advertising, servers, bandwidth usage, food, wardrobe, makeup/hair supplies, camera/lens repair, attorney fees, copyright/trademark fees, etc. We must cover all of these expenses before we make our donation so that we are able to continue to operate year to year.
  • What dollar amount of each calendar goes to the charity?
    • There is not a fixed amount, it depends entirely on how many calendars are sold. The more calendars that are sold the larger the amount from each calendar goes to the charity.
  • I want to make a donation, how do I do it?
    • We do not accept direct donations because we are not a non-profit organization. We suggest you make your donation directly to the charity of your choice.
  • Can I write a check to Campus Girls USA and make the donation through you?
    • We do not accept direct donations because we are not a non-profit organization. We suggest you make your donation directly to the charity of your choice.
  • Can people write-off their calendar purchase?
    • No. We are not a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. While 100% of the profits from calendar sales are donated to charity, we hope to be acquired in the future by a larger corporation.
  • Can I get a receipt for tax purposes of my purchase?
    • Please see the question above, you cannot write your calendar purchase(s) off.
  • Are you a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization?
    • No we are not. We hope to be aquired in the future by a larger corporation.
  • Do all $15 from the calendar go to the charity?
    • No. Please see the "production costs" question above. There are many expenses in creating a high production value product such as the Campus Girls USA calendars and those expenses must be covered.
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The Calendars

  • How many girls are in each calendar?
    • There are 84 girls in each of our calendars.
  • How are there 84 girls in each calendar?
    • Each page features six girls on each page with a large 4"x12" photo. Please click on the purchase link to see an example inside page from the calendar.
  • Why is it a sixteen month calendar?
    • We produce a sixteen month calendar so that people can begin using them immediately beginning in September when models receive the calendars and begin to sell them.
  • Is there a poster in the calendars?
    • Yes. Each calendar will include a huge 24" x 36" poster featuring the girls from that calendar. The poster includes the entire fall football schedule for that conference as well as a March Madness basketball bracket.
  • If I shoot for the calendars when will I receive them?
    • The calendars will be shipped to you and you will receive them as early in September as possible.
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Earning Money

  • Do I have to sell calendars?
    • Yes. Each girl is required to sell 100 calendars over a six month period beginning in July. Girls are able to sell calendars online via their own personal sales referral link as well as shipped the actual physical calendars to sell as well. Calendars are shipped out as soon as they are printed in September.
  • Do I get paid?
    • Yes. Each girl will be paid a commission upon selling her 100 calendars and earn an additional commission on every calendar that she sells beyond that. There is no limit to how many calendars you can sell. Our highest seller sold over 700 calendars and earned in excess of $1400 dollars.
  • What if I don't want to sell calendars, can I still participate?
    • Our goal is to raise money for breast cancer research and we do this via calendar sales. We work very hard to produce the highest quality product possible and give you an amazing experience. In return each girl commits to selling 100 calendars which allows us to produce the calendars and donate to the charity. If you do not want to sell calendars then unfortunately you cannot participate.
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Size Info


The size charts below are approximate.  Please ensure you're ordering the correct size before placing your order. If you have more specific questions, please contact us.

Length (in) 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Width (in) 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

Chest (in) 30 - 32 34 - 36 38 - 40 42 - 44 46 - 48
Waist (in) 28 - 30 30 - 32 32 - 33 33 - 34 36 - 38

Chest (in) 30 - 32 34 - 36 38 - 40 42 - 44 46 - 48 48 - 50
Waist (in) 28 - 30 30 - 32 32 - 33 33 - 34 36 - 38 40 - 42

Length (in) 25 ⅞ 26 ½ 27 ⅛ 27 ¾ 28 ⅜
Width (in) 15 16 17 18 19 ½


Width (in) 15 ½ 16 ½ 17 ½ 18 ½

 * Crop Tops run VERY SMALL and we recommend sizing up by at least one-size.